Scaling Brand Management With Company Swag Stores

Chloe Ayres
July 12, 2024

A variety of promotional products that has created for their clients, like Brand Managers, for their online company swag stores.

Brand management is all about maximizing the impact of each brand touchpoint by ensuring consistency. A big part of maximizing impact in any role, including Brand Management, is saving time and money.

Brand managers need to save time and money because these are valuable resources that can be used to achieve the brand's objectives and maximize its profitability.

Saving time allows brand managers to focus on high-priority tasks and activities that are critical to the success of the brand. By streamlining processes, automating repetitive tasks, and delegating responsibilities effectively, brand managers can free up more time to work on strategic initiatives that can drive growth and innovation.

Saving money is also important for brand managers because it enables them to allocate resources more efficiently and effectively. By reducing costs, brand managers can reinvest those savings into marketing campaigns, product development, and other initiatives that can enhance the brand's value and profitability.

Additionally, saving time and money can also help brand managers to respond more quickly and effectively to changes in the market, consumer preferences, and competitive landscape. By being more agile and adaptable, brand managers can seize opportunities and mitigate risks more effectively, ultimately leading to a more successful brand.

In this blog, we will explore how company swag stores can help Brand Managers utilize customized promotional items to build brand awareness, maximize impact, save time and money, and scale their campaigns.

What is brand management?

Brand management refers to the process of developing, promoting, and protecting a brand or product in the market. It involves creating a unique brand identity, establishing a brand image and brand personality, and maintaining brand equity.

The aim of brand management is to ensure that customers associate the brand with positive qualities and experiences, and to create a loyal customer base that will continue to choose the brand over competitors. Brand management involves various strategies and techniques such as advertising, public relations, social media marketing, product development, and customer experience management.

Effective brand management requires a deep understanding of the target audience, market trends, and competitors, as well as the ability to adapt to changing market conditions and consumer preferences. It is a critical aspect of business strategy, as a strong brand can provide a competitive advantage and contribute significantly to the success of a company.

What does a Brand Manager do?

A brand manager is responsible for overseeing the development and management of a brand's identity, image, and reputation in the market. Their main goal is to ensure that the brand is perceived positively by customers and stakeholders, and to maximize its value and profitability.

Some of the key responsibilities of a brand manager include:

Developing and implementing brand strategies and marketing plans that align with the overall business objectives and target audience.

Conducting market research and competitive analysis to identify customer needs, preferences, and trends that can inform brand positioning and messaging.

Creating and managing brand guidelines, including visual identity, tone of voice, and messaging, to ensure consistency across all marketing channels and touchpoints.

Collaborating with internal and external stakeholders, such as product development teams, creative agencies, and media partners, to execute brand campaigns and initiatives.

Monitoring and analyzing brand performance metrics, such as sales, customer engagement, and brand awareness, and adjusting strategies accordingly.

Managing budgets and resources to ensure efficient use of resources while achieving brand objectives.

Overall, a brand manager plays a critical role in shaping the perception and reputation of a brand in the market and building strong relationships with customers and stakeholders.

Infographic showing the key responsibilities of a Brand Manager including strategy, market research, brand consistency, collaboration, analytics, and budgeting

What is brand awareness?

Brand awareness refers to the extent to which customers and potential customers are familiar with a brand and its products or services. It is the level of recognition that a brand has among its target audience and the general public.

Brand awareness is an important aspect of brand management because it can directly impact a brand's sales and market share. A brand with high awareness is more likely to be considered and chosen by customers over competitors.

There are several ways to measure brand awareness, including:

Recognition: This measures the ability of customers to recognize a brand when presented with its name or logo.

Recall: This measures the ability of customers to recall a brand name or product when prompted with a product category or specific attributes.

Top of Mind Awareness: This measures the percentage of customers who name a particular brand first when asked about a specific product category.

Increasing brand awareness can be achieved through various marketing strategies, such as advertising, public relations, company giveaways, sponsorships, social media, and content marketing. Consistency in brand messaging, design, and positioning across all marketing channels and marketing materials can also help to build brand awareness and recognition over time.

How do brand management and brand awareness affect revenue and growth?

The revenue impact of branding can be observed by comparing the revenue growth of the most significant brands globally to the S&P 500 average and the sales volume of strong brands to weak brands. The Prophet Brand Relevance Index indicates that the revenue growth of these highly relevant brands is 28% greater than the average revenue growth of the S&P 500. Additionally, according to Millward Brown, strong brands can capture an average of three times the sales volume of weak brands.

New Knowledge's 2019 Brand Disinformation Impact Study reveals that the percentage of American consumers between the ages of 18-65 who are willing to interact with a brand that has a favorable brand reputation is a measure of the branding's impact on customer acquisition. The study found that 74% of these consumers are more likely to conduct business with a brand that has a positive brand reputation.

The influence of branding on customer loyalty is evident from the fact that a considerable number of consumers continue to buy their preferred brand even when they have access to cheaper and more convenient alternatives. As per the findings of KPMG's report titled "The truth about customer loyalty," 52% of consumers across 20 different countries, including the US, have stated that they would choose their favorite brand over others, despite the latter being more economical and easily available.

A branded coffee sleeve on a table outside showing the Starbucks logo

Brand recognition for companies like Starbucks allow them to charge more for their products and expand into merchandise for their fans.

How does high quality custom swag increase brand awareness and accelerate growth?

In an increasingly digital world, a struggle that all marketers and Brand Managers face is cutting through the clutter. Branded merchandise can help do that by bringing a physical product as an interruption to a normally digital sales cycle.

PROmotion Marketing notes a few statistics that explain the impact of promotional products on brand recall and loyalty.

Some statistics about custom swag and how branded merchandise can build brand awareness

How can company swag stores help Brand Managers increase brand awareness and accelerate growth?

Ensure consistency in branding.

It is crucial to maintain brand consistency across all aspects of your organization, such as websites, advertisements, and promotional materials, in order to effectively convey your brand's story. This includes ensuring that employee corporate apparel matches your building's logo and that office swag matches your company's website color palette. 

A company swag store can help maintain this consistency by designing logo merchandise with your approved colors, logos, and fonts, allowing you to showcase your brand the way you want it to be seen. You have control over how your brand is presented on your business gifts, and the company store takes care of the rest.

Keep costs low in merch management to keep ROI high.

If you're investing a significant amount of time and money in purchasing promotional products and supplies, you may be curious about how an online company swag store can help you save money. The good news is that with a company store platform, you can access a company swag store for free, allowing you to control your budget and only pay when you order products. 

Additionally, you don't need to store physical items, which eliminates the need for extra space and reduces the risk of damage or outdated items. A corporate swag store is a hassle-free solution for managing your promotional products, so you can focus on creating the best company swag possible.

Save on storage and fulfillment costs.

Managing physical inventory can be a challenging task for any business. The storage space, keeping track of the products' expiry dates, and the responsibility of managing everything can be quite overwhelming.

However, an online company swag store can remove this hassle completely. It eliminates the need to maintain your own inventory of swag kits, saving you a considerable amount of time and money. 

It also frees up your employees from the tedious task of managing the inventory, shipping items, and tracking orders, allowing them to concentrate on more important duties. Furthermore, you won't have to worry about renting a storage unit or a warehouse to store your inventory since we take care of it until it's ready to be dispatched.

A company swag store fulfilling promotional product orders instead of a brand manager

Use data from your store to build future campaigns.

It is important to keep track of data when running a marketing campaign, and our company's merchandise store offers personalized reports that provide all the necessary information for each branded item. These reports can give you insight into past orders and product performance, and they are easily accessible by logging into your account. With just a few clicks, you can access valuable analytics to inform your promotional strategy.


In conclusion, brand managers play a crucial role in building and maintaining a strong brand image and maximizing its value and profitability. Saving time and money are essential resources that can be invested in strategic initiatives, such as marketing campaigns, product development, and customer experience management. 

Brand awareness is a vital aspect of brand management that can directly impact revenue and growth. One effective way to increase brand awareness is by using high-quality swag, like brand apparel, as a marketing tool to promote the brand identity and values. 

Company swag stores can help brand managers streamline the process of creating and distributing swag, saving time and money while maximizing the impact of each brand touchpoint. 

By focusing on effective brand management strategies and leveraging the power of high-quality swag, brand managers can build brand awareness, loyalty, and profitability, ultimately leading to a more successful brand.