The Importance of Employee Recognition: How to Make it Happen

Chloe Ayres
July 12, 2024

Employee recognition is an important aspect of any successful workplace. It is the act of acknowledging and appreciating the hard work, dedication, and contributions of employees to the organization. 

Employee recognition programs are not just for the importance of employee appreciation and employee diversity. They can also be a powerful way to grow your company and workplace culture. 

In fact, according to Workhuman, 83% of HR Leaders say an employee recognition program benefits organizational values. Gallup reports that if companies double the number of employees they recognize every week, there will be 24% improvement in work quality, 27% reduction in absenteeism, and 10% reduction in staff shrinkage.

Infographic showing the effects of employee recognition on work quality, absenteeism, and staff shrinkage

If you have a large organization with different departments and staff, it can be difficult to determine which policies and programs work best. However, with the right workplace recognition program in place, you can support your company culture while meeting your financial goals. 

Recognition programs take many forms. They could be a reward system for excellent employees, or simply showing appreciation for certain qualities in your team. Regardless, implementing an employee recognition program will get you started on the path to becoming a much more inclusive organization.

What can be done with employee recognition?

Employee recognition is a great way to show appreciation for hard work, quality performances, and creative ideas. Whether you choose to give employee appreciation gifts or send a card, employee recognition programs can be an effective way to show appreciation for great work. 

The best recognition programs are tailored to the individual. They should appeal to both your company culture and the employee's individual interests. For example, you can have a gift exchange at the end of the month for employees who do extraordinary work. 

You can also have a rewards system that lets employees earn points for doing things that reinforce values culture like taking employee-related courses, taking training, and doing community service. 

Software like Bonusly, Nectar, Assembly, and Recognize are great software platforms that make it easy to assign point values for different activities, and make it easy for employees to recognize each other.

Regardless of how you choose to recognize your employees, there are a few important things to keep in mind. First, you want to make sure the program is employee accessible. Everyone on your team should be able to sign up, set up, and participate in the program. 

You also want to make it easy for employees to give recognition. They should be able easily recognize their peers through individual messaging, emailing or texting the team, or speak at all-company meetings. 

Why is employee recognition important?

There are many reasons why employee recognition is important in the workplace, and make it a part of your corporate culture. First and foremost, it helps to increase employee morale and motivation. When employees feel valued and appreciated for their work, they are more likely to be engaged and committed to their job. In fact, according to TeamStage, having highly engaged employees can lead to a 202% increase in performance.

Additionally, employee recognition can also lead to lower turnover rates. When employees feel valued and appreciated, they are less likely to leave the organization. A study from Workhuman indicates that properly recognized employees are 4x as likely to be actively engaged at work. This can save the organization both time and money, as it will not have to constantly recruit and train new employees.

Another important aspect of employee recognition is that it can help to improve communication and collaboration among employees. Considering that employees are 26% more likely to leave their jobs if there is a lack of respect between colleagues (builtin), this is incredibly important for retention. 

When employees feel valued and appreciated, they are more likely to be open and willing to communicate with their colleagues and managers. This can lead to a more positive and productive work environment, and a more organized culture. Employees will be more willing to share ideas and work together to achieve common goals.

Employee recognition can also help to foster a sense of community within the organization. When employees feel valued and appreciated, they are more likely to feel a sense of belonging and connection to the organization. This can lead to a more positive and cohesive culture at work, as employees will be more likely to support and help each other.

Infographic showing different ways that companies can recognize employees, including monetary reward, branded merchandise, non-monetary rewards, public recognition, personal recognition, and opportunities for growth and development

How can an organization effectively recognize its employees? 

There are many different ways to recognize employees, but it is important to find a staff appreciation ideas that are meaningful and relevant to the employee. Some popular methods of employee recognition include:

Monetary rewards: This can include bonuses, pay raises, or gift cards. This is an effective way to recognize employees for their hard work and dedication, but it is important to ensure that the rewards are fair and equitable.

Branded merchandise: This can include personalized gifts such as custom socks, tumblers, gift baskets, or sweatshirts. If your employees feel more connected to your work culture through appreciation, they are more likely to become brand ambassadors by wearing or using these branded appreciation gifts.

Non-monetary rewards: This can include things such as time off, extra vacation days, work from home days, or a parking spot. These rewards can be just as valuable as monetary rewards, and they can be tailored to the specific needs and interests of the employee.

Public recognition: This can include things such as employee of the month or an employee recognition ceremony for top performers. Public recognition is a great way to acknowledge the great job that your employees are doing, and it can also serve as an inspiration for other employees.

Personal recognition: This can include things such as a personal thank you note or a one-on-one meeting with the employee. Personal recognition is a great way to show the employee that their work is appreciated, and it can also be used to provide feedback and coaching.

Opportunities for growth and development: This can include training, mentoring, or job rotation. These opportunities can help employees experience and develop new skills and advance in their careers, which can be a great way to recognize and reward their hard work.

When is an employee recognition program the right thing to do?

There are a few different times when it is important to implement employee recognition ideas. First, when you are making an employee decision, such as promoting internally. Next, when you are troubleshooting an issue that employees are having, like how to incentivize the type of culture that naturally gets the team to go the extra mile. Finally, when you are making sure your company culture aligns with your financial goals. A positive workplace culture can definitely positively impact your bottom line.

There are some situations when it is more important to make an impact with employee recognition than others. For example, when you are making a hire, or when you are making a promotion. 

It is important to note that employee recognition is not a one-time event, it should be an ongoing process. Recognizing employees on a regular basis, such as weekly or monthly, will help to keep the employee motivated and engaged. It will also help to build a culture of recognition and appreciation within the organization.

A happy female employee actively engaging with her coworkers in a modern office setting

Final thoughts

Employee recognition is a great way to show appreciation for hard work, quality performances, and creative ideas. 

Whether you choose to give a gift or send a card, employee recognition programs can be an effective way to show appreciation for great work. It helps to increase employee morale and motivation, lower turnover rates, improve communication and collaboration, and foster a sense of community within the organization. 

There are many different ways to recognize employees, and the best recognition programs are tailored to the individual. They should appeal to both your company culture and the employee's individual interests.