Why Branded Merchandise is the Ultimate Marketing Tool

Chloe Ayres
July 12, 2024

Branded merchandise refers to any product that bears the name or logo of a company. The primary objective of branding a product is to create brand awareness and promote a business. Marketers and business owners understand the significance of using high-quality products with their company's logo imprinted on them as an effective way to advertise their brand.

Typically, a company's unique logo is designed by graphic designers and printed on popular promotional merchandise such as water bottles, t-shirts, hoodies, pens, and custom socks. The purpose is to increase the visibility of the brand, ensuring that customers remember it when they require a product or service.

In essence, branded corporate merchandise serves as a business card that promotes a brand's message and attracts potential customers. While commonly used as promotional material at conventions, large brands such as Google and YouTube sell their branded merchandise in their offices and online merch stores. It’s one of the best merchandising strategies.

According to a study quoted by Design Hill, 85% of people do business with the advertiser after receiving a promotional item, making it a valuable branding exercise and revenue-generating activity for businesses that execute it effectively.

Social media post from a devoted fan after receiving corporate merchandise from the Google online merch store

Why is Branded Merchandise Important?

Branded merchandise is a big deal for marketers. It's one of the main ways that companies get noticed and remembered. Here are a few reasons why branded merchandise is so important.

Great ROI Marketing Source

Even with a small budget, you can achieve big marketing goals with branded merchandise. There are many low-cost items that can be customized with your logo. These promotional products are usually affordable, allowing companies to buy them in bulk.

Brand Reach & Recognition

When your logo is on everyday items that people use, more and more people will start recognizing and remembering it. It's all about getting your brand out there and making it familiar to people.

Increase Customer Loyalty

Giving away promotional products can increase customer loyalty, especially if the products are useful and engaging. Make sure your fan merch is high-quality, so people associate your business with quality.

More Revenue

Selling wholesale merchandise can be a significant source of additional revenue for your company. It's an opportunity to make money while promoting your brand at the same time.

Long-term Advertising Effects

Branded merchandise has a lasting impact on consumers. In fact, studies have shown that people can remember a brand's name even two years after receiving a free promotional product with the company's logo on it.

Social Media & Dark Social Amplification

In today's social media-driven world, people love to share everything, from music merch to gaming merch, online. When someone takes a selfie with your branded merchandise and posts it on platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat, it amplifies the marketing power of your merchandise. The more people see your branded items on social media, the more your business can benefit.

A More Effective Business Card

Promotional products can be as effective as business cards, if not more. Instead of handing out traditional business cards, consider distributing items like water bottles, t-shirts, or phone cases with your logo and contact information. According to marketingsherpa.com, 71.6% of potential customers remember the name of a company that gave them a free promotional product.

Your promotional gift items serve as business cards that people can use and remember you by. You can even include images and a slogan that represents your business message. It's a fantastic way to promote your company and leave a lasting impression.

Remember to leverage social media when designing your branded merchandise. Include QR codes and hashtags to maximize their impact and encourage online engagement.

Branded merchandise is a powerful marketing tool that can help your company stand out, increase brand recognition, and foster customer loyalty. So, embrace the power of custom merch, branded merchandise, and a well-curated merch store to take your marketing efforts to new heights.


Looking for answers about branded merchandise? Check out these frequently asked questions to learn more!

Q1. Can my company sell its branded merchandise?

Absolutely! Any company can use branded products to promote their brand and build customer and employee loyalty.

Q2. What products should I choose for my company's branded merchandise?

There are many great options for branded merchandise. Here are some examples:

Custom drinkware: Personalized mugs, water bottles, or tumblers.

Personalized apparel: T-shirts, socks, hats, or hoodies with your company logo.

Tech gadgets: USB drives, phone accessories, or headphones.

Travel swag: Luggage tags, travel pillows, or portable chargers.

Self-care accessories: Customized tote bags, wellness products, or spa kits.

Remember to consider your target audience and have a clear strategy for how you will distribute the merchandise and achieve your goals.

Q3. Do you have any design tips for creating promotional products?

Of course! Here are some top tips for creating outstanding promotional products:

Set your budget: Determine how much you can invest in creating and distributing the merchandise.

Think about your target demographic: Consider their preferences and interests to choose the right products.

Keep the design simple and appealing: Make sure your logo and message are clear and easy to read.

Choose suitable colors: Use colors that align with your brand and attract attention.

Think about the texture and quality: Select items that are durable and feel good to use or wear.

By following these design tips, you can create promotional products that effectively represent your company and leave a lasting impression.

Looking for more information or assistance with custom merch, branded merchandise, or setting up a merch store? Feel free to ask, and we'll be happy to help!


In conclusion, branded merchandise plays a vital role in promoting a business and creating brand awareness. By imprinting a company's logo on various products, marketers can increase brand visibility and ensure that customers remember their brand when they need a product or service. 

Branded merchandise acts as a business card, delivering a brand's message and attracting potential customers. It offers a great return on investment, even with a small budget, and can significantly boost brand reach and recognition. Moreover, giving away promotional products enhances customer loyalty, especially when the items are useful and of high quality. Selling branded merchandise can also serve as an additional revenue stream for companies. 

Furthermore, branded merchandise has long-term advertising effects, as people can remember a brand even years after receiving a promotional product. In today's social media-driven world, sharing photos with branded merchandise amplifies its marketing capacity and increases brand exposure. Promotional products can even be more effective than traditional business cards, as they provide a tangible and memorable representation of the brand. 

By considering design tips and leveraging social media, companies can maximize the impact of their branded merchandise. So, embrace the power of custom merch, branded merchandise, and a well-curated merch store to elevate your marketing efforts and make a lasting impression on your target audience.