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Roadkill Cafe Socks

Welcome to the Roadkill Cafe, where we turn highway mishaps into culinary masterpieces! Our unique eatery brings a whole new meaning to "fresh off the road." Founded by a group of adventurous foodies with a dark sense of humor, we've been serving up locally-sourced, ethically-questionable dishes since 1987. From our signature "Flat Cat Fritters" to our mouthwatering "Deer in the Headlights Delight," each meal is a testament to our commitment to reducing waste and honoring the circle of life. Don't worry, we promise our food is 100% legal and health department approved – it just comes with a side of gallows humor. So buckle up and prepare your taste buds for a wild ride at the Roadkill Cafe, where every meal is a hit-and-run success!