Employee Spotlight: Hamish Roberts

David Harper
August 21, 2024

Sock Club has some exciting news to share! We've recently hired a Senior Operations Coordinator to help level up our business intelligence and bring more color and creativity to our data and profitability.

One of the great things about startup culture is that, in the early days, the hunger to succeed drives the entire team to take on whatever is needed in order to make the next milestone happen.

One of the downsides of startup culture is that the never-not-my-job mentality and hustle that gets you to the late-startup phase is hard to give up. Sometimes, people are left holding onto responsibilities and practices that are better suited to delegate to someone who can fully focus on just those things.

This is definitely the case for Sock Club. Our culture will always be that we do the hard things better than anyone else, but there comes a point where examining profitability needs to be someone’s full-time job, rather than something that upper level management does when they have time.

Hamish Roberts joined the Sock Club team in October 2023 as a Senior Operations Coordinator, helping us focus and get more out of our Business Operations and Analysis. 

Our team sat down with Hamish to learn a little more about him and his time at Sock Club thus far.

SC: What about your new position or Sock Club in general drew you to apply for the job?

Hamish: The company was founded and is HQ'd in Austin, to me that was a defining factor in the decision to apply to the company. 

SC: What is your professional background prior to joining our team?

Hamish: I’ve spent most of my career working in fast-moving nimble companies in operations roles, recently I worked for a tech startup in the recruiting space and before that I worked in rideshare and fleet management.   

SC: What's been your favorite thing about working at Sock Club?

Hamish: The people! My teammates are awesome!  

SC: What's it like being a Senior Operations Coordinator at Sock Club for someone who wouldn't know at all?

Hamish: I enjoy being able to interview experts within the company and learn the intricate knowledge of their domain to help deliver important initiatives for the company. This type of role is pretty fast paced and requires a lot of independent focus time to get things completed.

SC: Who or what inspires you?

Hamish: Business leaders who have achieved greatness and left a positive impact on society. A good example would be Bill Gates.  

SC: What’s the last book you read? Why/what did you learn?

Hamish: Barbarian Days: A Surfing Life by William Finnegan 

The story is a memoir of a New York Times writer, it's also about the gradual mastering of surfing. For me, having played sports, it was a refreshing lesson on the positive impact a sport or an obsession can have in your life. 

SC: What’s the first concert you ever attended?

Hamish: Allan Jackson at the Houston Rodeo with my parents.

SC: What’s the next place on your travel bucket list?

Hamish: South America.

SC: What is something people might not know about you?

Hamish: I'm one of three, I have two brothers, and I am the youngest. 

SC: When people talk about the impact you make at Sock Club, what do you want them to say?

Hamish: I hope people say that I was fun to work with and I helped improve the business.

SC: What initiative on another team are you most interested in learning more about currently?

Hamish: Design, because I am new to the industry I don't know a whole lot about how this works and it seems very interesting!  

Want to learn more about our current opportunities and join our team? Check out our careers page for all current open positions. We want to meet you!