Boost Brand Awareness with Nonprofit Merchandise

Kara Boatner
July 12, 2024

Sometimes, it can be difficult to get your business or charity noticed among the crowd.​ However, nonprofit merchandise can be an effective way to generate awareness around your business and strengthen your brand.​ With the right product and the right message, your nonprofit can reap the rewards of better recognition from the public.​ 

Nonprofit swag must be not only good-looking, but also useful and practical. For instance, you could produce branded apparel that people will be eager to wear, such as charitable festival or workplace event sportswear.​ Doing so showcases the organization’s logo and mission to the public, while also creating a sense of pride and camaraderie among participants.​ 

Selecting the right merchandise

Design nonprofit merchandise to inspire people's emotional connection with your business, above all. Make sure you choose items that strike a chord with your supporters, such as pendants, unique mugs, or custom socks.​ The goal is to connect your brand with an idea and encourage people to act for your cause.​ 

A well placed select range of nonprofit merchandise has the power to make an impact far beyond just raising funds.​ For example, it can drive people to visit a website, join a movement, encourage someone to donate, or even spread the word to their friends and family.​ All this can magnify your brand’s presence in the marketplace and encourage a positive perception of it in the public’s evolving mindset.​ 

Nonprofit merchandise as thank you gifts

Another great way to use nonprofit merchandise is for reward and recognition.​ You can thank your supporters for their efforts by giving them a physical item they can relate to.​ Doing this will encourage them to stay engaged with your mission and spread the word about it.​ 

Promoting nonprofit merchandise

When it comes to getting your nonprofit merchandise noticed, you should be sure to use social media platforms to showcase content.​Your mission should be to create posts and stories that encourage people to take a look and purchase the items online.​ This can be vastly effective as this platform has such a large audience.

You can even offer discounts and deals to encourage more support.​ According to Hubspot, social media and text messages are the most popular ways for Gen Z and Gen X to donate.

To further increase your brand presence, you can hold competitions where people donate or pledge for an item of their choice from your nonprofit merchandise.​ Doing this will not only boost the exposure of your organization, but also encourages people to take part in your mission and focus on your cause.​ 

You can also make your nonprofit merchandise part of a larger marketing campaign by producing creative promotional materials.​ Place your merchandise in a promotional video or online advertising campaign to ensure it reaches to others.​ Furthermore, sending your supporters marketing emails or postcards with photographs of the merchandise will also make your supporters feel valuable.​ 

Additionally, running an influencer campaign using nonprofit merchandise is a great way to increase your brand’s trustworthiness and visibility.​ Influencers can help raise awareness of your products and mission in a subtle way, and also show people how fabulous the merchandise is.​ 

You may even choose to give away merchandise as free gifts to reward people when they engage with your business or make a certain number of purchases.​ This creates an exchange of value - while the person receives a useful item, your organization receives invaluable word-of-mouth and free publicity.​ 

Finally, you can attend different events or fairs or join an online market to reach out to potential customers.​ By doing this, you can engage with people in a physical and digital manner and connect with them on a more personal engrossing level.​ 

How to use nonprofit merchandise for fundraising events

Fundraising events are a great way to raise money for your nonprofit, but it requires some planning and creativity in order to make it profitable.​ Nonprofit merchandise can help draw attention to your cause, as well as increase the donations.​ Use branded apparel or accessories to promote your cause and make your fundraiser stand out from the crowd.​ 

In addition, you can offer discounted items to potential donors, or set up a silent auction and let attendees make bids for items.​ 

Another way to increase donations is to offer exclusive items in exchange for larger donations.​ For example, donors can receive a special pair of socks or a one-of-a-kind keychain for their larger donation.​ This will help to encourage people to donate more, while also giving them something tangible in return.​ 

Boost your promotional efforts by creating creative video or photo content showcasing your nonprofit merchandise.​ Share it across multiple channels to help increase public awareness and boost engagement with your cause.​ Additionally, hashtag your merchandise with a related campaign hashtag to draw more attention to it, and use the hashtag at participating events.​ 

Increase exposure through networking events

Networking events provide a great opportunity to increase exposure for your nonprofit.​ One of the best ways to get your message out is by taking the time to speak with individuals or organizations that have similar goals.​ This will help you build connections with other people in the event and voice your cause.​ 

Your nonprofit merchandise can help make the most of the situation as it can be a great conversation starter.​ Most people relate to tangible items better than words and could end up leaving an event with a positive, lasting impression of your organization.​ 

You can also use your nonprofit merchandise to increase brand recognition by displaying it somewhere in the venue.​ People will take notice when they see a branded merchandise and associate it with your organization.​ 

Get creative with nonprofit merchandise

Nonprofit merchandise is not just for fundraising events or networking.​ You can also use it to supplement marketing campaigns and new awareness campaigns. Think outside the box and customize the merchandise with your organization’s logo, message or mission.​ 

Additionally, you could use the merchandise as incentives for people to take part in certain activities.​ This great way incentivizes people to actively involve themselves with your mission. 

When it comes to merchandise, don’t be afraid to be creative.​ Think of unique, eye-catching designs that will be memorable.​ This way, your merchandise will stand out amongst the crowd.​ 

Repurpose an old design

Sometimes, you need to repurpose an old design of your nonprofit merchandise instead of creating a new one.​ This can help save time and money.​ 

To repurpose an old design, start by adding a simple change to it, such as a logo or different colors.​ This will give your product a fresh, updated look.​ If you need help designing a fresh new pair of custom swag, our designers are here to help!

You may also want to consider adding digital or print components to your merchandise.​ For example, you could include an eBook, a digital graphic or an online course, as part of the merchandise package.​ This will help to further engage people about your cause and potentially increase donations.​ 

No matter what design you choose for your nonprofit merchandise, your goal should always be to create something special that will attract attention and generate a lasting impact.​ Ultimately, these items should help to promote your brand in a positive and memorable way.​