Employee Spotlight: Michelle Twite

David Harper
August 21, 2024

Our in-house sock design team is the biggest team at Sock Club. After all, creating custom sock designs for each and every client takes a lot of time, care, and expertise!

The design team scaled up rapidly once the sock business picked back up after the pandemic, and with that, we needed to scale up leadership. When Head of Design Layla Hubbard interviewed Michelle for the position of Design Manager, she knew it would be a great fit.

Michelle works hard to set an example for her team, and has diligently worked to understand and create systems that enable our designers to be focused on being creative while still delivering sock designs to our clients as quickly as possible. 

Our team sat down with Michelle to check in with her and learn a little more about Michelle and her time at Sock Club thus far.

What is your background prior to Sock Club?

Michelle: I designed and made custom leather handbags!

What's been your favorite thing about working at Sock Club?

Michelle: What truly captivates me about my experience at Sock Club is collaborating with an extraordinary team of exceptional people, each brimming with remarkable ideas and boundless talent.

What's it like being a Design Manager at Sock Club for someone who wouldn't know at all?

Michelle: I have the privilege of occupying a role that allows me to effortlessly don my creative hat, conjuring up delightful designs for socks, while seamlessly shifting gears to employ my critical thinking hat in order to pioneer innovative solutions and tackle complex problems.

Who or what inspires you?

Michelle: I'm constantly drawing inspiration from my surroundings. From the vibrant hues of blossoming flowers to the mesmerizing hues of a sunset.

What’s the last book you read? Why/what did you learn?

Michelle: Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh. My takeaways from the book are: Follow your heart, take risks when you see opportunities and to have fun!

What’s the first concert you ever attended?

Michelle: Rascal Flatts

What’s the next place on your travel bucket list?

Michelle: Korea 

What is something people might not know about you?

Michelle: I worked at THE Macy's in Herald Square in NYC while going to school!

When people talk about the impact you make at Sock Club, what do you want them to say?

Michelle: She is creative, innovative and tenacious!

What initiative on another team are you most interested in learning about currently?

Michelle: The Dev team is spearheading groundbreaking initiatives that are interesting and exciting!

Want to learn more about our current opportunities and join our team? Check out our careers page for all current open positions. We want to meet you!