Custom Socks for CrowdFiber Branded Event Giveaways

CrowdFiber loves new custom socks every year because people love them!

"We LOVE surprising our new and renewing customers with fun socks each year. Sock Club makes it easy to create something awesome that we know our customers will love." -COO, Tricia Steel

A crowd favorite when it comes to telecommunications - CrowdFiber is a top service provider with the goal to grow, serve, and connect more people. Being in connections with others is what bridges the telecommunications world with everyone. Founded in 2013, CrowdFiber has been able to grow business with its all-in-one marketing and sales automation platform. Customer service is driven and always looking for ever-changing new ways to connect with customers, COO, Tricia Steel "wanted to connect our newest customers to our brand in an unexpected way and build a tradition with our renewing customers so that they continue to feel "in the crowd!" 

CrowdFiber Custom Socks Event Giveaway

CrowdFiber is a company that wants all its clients and customers to feel included and appreciated. Investing in a kind gesture goes a long way in building professional relationships. Unique company swag stands out, and when Tricia was at a development conference recently, she encountered a company that was passing out custom socks to clients designed by Sock Club. 

Excited to work together, Sock Club was able to add more than just a product to CrowdFiber but provide a connection from business to people.

"We LOVE surprising our new and renewing customers with fun socks each year. Sock Club makes it easy to create something awesome that we know our customers will love."