8 Tips for Choosing the Perfect Corporate Holiday Gift for Employees

Kara Boatner
July 12, 2024

Picking out the perfect corporate holiday gift for employees is an important custom every business should observe.​ 

It can be tricky getting corporate gifting right, as there’s a difference between personal gifts and professional gift choices.​ To help you out, here are 8 tips for choosing the perfect corporate holiday gift for employees:

1.​ Show Gratitude

Never too late to thank employees for their hard work and dedication. Show your appreciation by gifting something that reflects your gratitude.​ The gift doesn’t need to be expensive, but a meaningful token that speaks to the team’s high productivity levels.​ 

2.​ Consider Everyone’s Job Role

The type of gifts you choose should consider everyone’s job role, from store housekeepers to financial advisors.​ This goes a long way in creating a sense of equality.​ Tailor each gift to the team members' personalities and your budget.​ 

3.​ Decide On A Budget

Going overboard for peoples’ special day is nice, but not always feasible.​ Stick to a budget to make sure no one person gets more than another.​ Once you determine the budget, items like gift cards or hampers can be excellent options in many cases.​ 

One of the best budget-friendly corporate gift ideas you can opt for is a pair of custom socks! They’re versatile, comfy, and don’t require an impressive budget. Connect with our team today to get your corporate holiday gift ideas off the ground. 

According to postal, personalization was the leading component of success in a gifting strategy, as the majority of people wanted to receive a gift that aligned with their values and felt personal.

4.​ Get Input From Your Employees

Many companies opt for a survey or poll asking employees what kind of gift they wanted.​ An effective way of figuring out what the team wants without the risk of giving something someone won't like. 

5.​ Offer Gift Cards & Vouchers

Does it feel like an impossible task to come up with the perfect gift? In that case, gift cards and vouchers work like a charm.​ It easily allows employees to choose something they like, based on their interests and preferences.​ 

6.​ Create Fun Experiences

Team gift ideas are great for boosting morale, so use it to your advantage.​ This holiday season, reward your employees with fun experiences like a free lunch, a movie screening, or tickets to a game.​ Vacation packages, wine tastings or art classes are other ideas worth exploring.​ 

7.​ Think Beyond Gifts

Workplace holidays are a great time to help out with employees’ work-life balance, too.​ Supporting employee health and wellness is another powerful gesture.​ Here yoga classes, gym memberships or medical checkup packages are good options.​ 

8.​ Let Them Know How Much They Mean To You

Create an experience, even if it’s a small gesture.​ Wrapping the gift yourself, signing cards, or writing a personalized thank you note lets employees know how much they mean to you.​ Even more fitting when combined with corporate Christmas gifts. 

Taking holiday gifts to the next level

Besides these tips, companies can also create programs that reward top performing employees during the holiday season.​ These rewards might range from financial bonuses to additional vacation time and special recognition awards.​ Rewards reflect an employer’s respect for the team’s achievements and makes employees feel valued.​ 

Rewards programs also provide a chance for achieving team goals during the holidays.​ Managers can identify these goals and create competitions and challenges.​ It energizes teams to focus on productivity and beating the competition.​ Aligning individual and team goals keeps spirits high amongst employees and strengthen the bond between them.​ 

In addition, other rewards might include a day off during the holiday season.​ It helps employees gain a bit of rest and respite when work can be physically and mentally demanding, while also lending a festive atmosphere to the workplace.​ 

The holidays are also a great time to gift employees with career development resources.​ Companies can provide learning opportunities like mentorship or special classes geared towards a certain field of study for corporate gifts for employees.​ This can also be helpful in developing new skills that could benefit the workplace by increasing employee efficiency and effectiveness.​ 

Businesses can motivate employees and create a fun environment by giving long-lasting incentives, custom swag, and festivities. This way, holiday gifts become more meaningful, and employees feel more connected to the workplace.​