Custom Socks for Folsom Labs Client Appreciation Gifts and Employee Holiday Gifts

Custom socks create traditions and leave lasting impressions!

"It's a great way to show appreciation for our customers, in a way that is classy but customized."
- Paul Grana, Co-founder

Market Leader in solar sales software, Folsom Labs is creating groundbreaking HelioScope developments. Residential and commercial are both welcome to receive solar options with high-performance solar arrays for ranging budgets. Built on the foundation that if there is not something in the market that is up to par, make it yourself. "We founded Folsom Labs because we saw the need for better software tools to enable high growth in solar." Co-founder, Paul Grana partnered with Sock Club to create a creative client appreciation gift that would leave a lasting impression.

Having high-quality knitted socks with your logo and creative designs not only looks aesthetically pleasing but once you put them on, your sock perception will change in a good way.

"We've now done two different sock designs. We give them out to VIP customers, and use them as speakers' gifts for the conference we host (the Solar Software Summit). In fact, now that we're on our second design iteration, the change has become a topic of conversation, e.g., people who "have been customers since the first generation of socks."

Having a product like custom socks brings together a tradition for your company and clients is a lasting impression that one does not forget.