
Jennifer Luczak, Events and Marketing Manager at T2 Systems, describes custom sock design: “The process is easy, customer-focused, fast, and of great quality."
up close shot of 4 pairs of t2 custom socks

In the world of parking and mobility solutions, T2 stands out as the largest provider in North America, with almost three decades of industry expertise. With over 2,000 satisfied customers and a thriving Customer Community of more than 8,000 active members, T2 has become synonymous with efficiency and revenue generation.

The challenges of standing out in a sea of competition

The parking and mobility industry, like many others, faces unique challenges. For T2, two key hurdles stand out: 

Finding New Prospects: Identifying potential clients in a competitive landscape. 

Setting Apart from Competition: Distinguishing T2's offerings in a market where products and services often seem indiscernible. 

The battle of brand promotion 

T2 found an innovative solution to break through the monotony of competition - trade show swag. Recognizing the impact of the best conference swag, T2 sought merchandise that could elevate their brand presence and leave a lasting impression. 

Team T2 chose Sock Club, and we are experienced in the realm of custom swag. Custom socks were the clear optimal choice for T2's corporate giveaway needs. Their event attendees eagerly anticipate the conference giveaways of these unique socks, creating a buzz around T2's brand. 

Sock Club met T2's standards for event giveaway swag, ensuring durability and comfort. The ability to incorporate branding and create different designs each year set Sock Club apart from other sock suppliers. As Jennifer Luczak, Events and Marketing Manager at T2 Systems, puts it: “The process is easy, customer-focused, fast, and of great quality."

The ease of the buying process further solidified the decision to choose Sock Club. T2 appreciated the simplicity, speed, and customer-centric approach, making it an ideal choice for their trade show handouts. 

The custom socks became a signature item, eagerly awaited by their audience. To those considering Sock Club for their custom swag needs, T2 offers these insights: the process is seamless, fast, and customer-focused. Sock Club delivers a quality product that aligns with brand standards. There are plans to continue the custom sock tradition, with T2 ordering custom socks annually for their customer conference and giveaway swag. 

This partnership remains a testament to the success of unique, high-quality swag in making a lasting brand impression. In the world of trade show promotional items, T2 and Sock Club have proven that a small, thoughtful item can leave a significant impact.

It's more than just event swag; it's a strategic investment in enhancing brand visibility. For those seeking swag ideas for events, Sock Club is ready to assist. Embrace T2's success and become part of the custom sock revolution. Your event attendees will delight in showcasing your custom socks, spreading the positive word about your brand!